Page 28 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 28

ǎ      Social Issue

             Fine Dust in Mackerel : How to Counteract Fine Dust

               How many roasted mackerels have you eaten       in the embryo’s intelligence. Moreover, it
            in the last month? If you eat lots of roasted      increases the aged death rate. In research, if the
            mackerels, it means that you were easily exposed   concentration of the fi ne dust increases by 10ug/
            to fine dust. The Ministry of Environment          m2, the  death rate in those over65 increases by
            announced that roasted mackerels consist of 2290   0.4%. Then, how can we prevent the fi ne dust?
            ɠ of fi ne dust. This number is 22 times the “very   First, when the concentration of the fi ne dust is
            bad” concentration of fi ne dust.                  high, kids, aged people and pregnant women
               Then, do you know what is fine dust? Fine       have to refrain from long outdoor activities,
            dust is a very small material that is a fi rst level   because inhaling the fine dust is proportional
            carcinogen drifting in the air. When we burn       to the intensity and time of the activities. Even,
            fossil fuel such as oil and coal, lots of fine     healthy adults should minimize excessive
            dust is emitted. Also, the fine dust is emitted    outdoor activities. Second, when people go out,
            in exhaust gasses. The fine dust causes lots       they should wear a mask that is certifi cated by
            of serious problems. First, the fine dust is       the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Third,
            harmful to our body. For example, the fine         people have to wash their face and hands after
            dust makes blood clot and damages cells so it      coming back to home. Fourth, people have to

            causes strokes and dementia. Also, it sticks to    drink enough fl uids. Fifth, people have to wash
            eyeballs and triggers infl ammation or urtication,   fruits and vegetables with enough times. Finally,

            penetrates into the pores of the skin and          people have to close windows to keep the fine
            triggers dermatitis, damages alveoli, triggers     dust outside.
            inflammatory responses, and aggravates a             Fine dust comes to us without warning and
            chronic cough or asthma. It is more fatal to kids   gives us damage, so we have to check the
            and pregnant women than adults because they        concentration of the fi ne dust on the internet and

            have lower levels of immunity. In addition, the    follow aprecautionary measures. Health is worth
            fine dust inhibits an embryo’s growth, causing     more than learning.
            neurodevelopmental disorder and a decline                                    Kim, Sanghyo (1-4)

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