Page 24 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 24
Ǎ Campus Reporting
Meeting Our New Japanese Teacher, Misaki Hiroco
Q4. Do you have your own instructional style
or rules?
A4. Of course, writing and memorizing are
important, but these ways may make us tired and make
us lose interest. Thus, I think enjoying the class and
learning new information are both important and have
to be balanced.
Q5. During classes, what makes you happy?
A5. When the students’ attitude is good, when they
react enthusiastically to my class’s content, and when
In 2016, a new Japanese teacher came to Incheon they focus on my class, I’m happiest.
Foreign Language High School. Since last year, many
students in the Japanese department have looked Q6. Are there any Korean practices that you
forward to learning from the new Japanese teacher. find hard to get accustomed to?
Fortunately, students like the teacher and vice versa. A6. I was born in Japan, and everything there was
The second semester started and I interviewed our new slow. Koreans hurry, so, at fi rst, I couldn’t understand
teacher. I’ll introduce our new Japanese teacher! why Koreans liked to do everything fast; but it didn’t
become a big problem. Second, I was surprised at the
Q1. Introduce yourself please. many honorifi cs & family names. There are only simple
A1. Hi, my name is Misaki Hiroco (ẅᥘ). I’m in Japan. For example, Japanese uses grandmother,
Japanese and was born in Shizuoka. Mount Fuji and grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, aunt and
many kinds of tea are famous in Shizuoka. I love Gamja uncle, but Korean uses mom’s (or dad’s) mother, mom’s
- tang and the actor Ji-soeb So. (or dad’s) father, older sister or brother, younger sister
or brother, mom’s (or dad’s) sister, mom’s (or dad’s)
Q2. How did you come to Incheon Foreign brother, mom’s brother’s (or sister’s) wife (or husband)
Language High School? and dad’s brother’s (or sister’s) wife (or husband). So
A2. Originally, I was a Japanese teacher at Gimpo I had hard time memorizing them. The problem was
Foreign Language High School. But suddenly, I moved about drinking. I can drink alcohol, but not much. At
to Seoul and commuting to Gimpo Foreign Language dinner with coworker or friends, Koreans offer and
High School was diffi cult and took a lot of time. As, I receive alcohol to and from each other. In Japan, people
was searching for a closer fi nally I saw a poster looking also offer you a drink, but it’s ok to refuse if you had
for a new Japanese teacher in this school. That’s how I enough. However, in Korea, people insist you drink
came to this school. more. I had a hard time understanding this part of
Korean culture at fi rst.
Q3. What is the most difficult part of working in
this school? Q7. Why do you want to teach students in
A3. In the previous school, I prepared study materials for Korea?
only 3 classes, but, in this school, I have both the 10th grader A7. When I was a student, I watched a drama. The
classes and the 11th grader classes. I have a total of 6 classes, contents of the drama was about teaching people from
so preparing study materials for the 6 classes is the most others countries, so I decided to teach others like the
diffi cult. However, all of the students participate in classes main character in the drama. I studied hard to get the
very actively so it’s rewarding. licenses required.