Page 22 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 22
Ǎ Campus Reporting
relationship with current news, we tried to broaden
our worldview by visiting actual working places and
experiencing environments such as a diplomacy
department. Furthermore, to improve debating
skills, our club members have participated in
debate contests as debaters or watched others to
learn how debaters speak effectively.
Q. What do you think is your club's
secret to becoming the best club
in our school?
A : First, we have our special program
named DINS. We do these kinds of
extracurricular activities. Second, what
we want to suggest is : “Don’t play
during club activity time. We always do
our best in this time and try to focus.”
CLUB Q. What is the association with
your club and club students’
“촌철살인” interview careers?
A : Our club’s main activity is debate. Debate is
We've interviewed the club "촌철살인", which speaking activity. Nowadays, communication can
was named as a 2015’s best CAVA club in be applied to various fields. So, we can’t give a
Incheon Foreign Language High School. definitive answer to your question, but it can
help with practicing interviews for colleges or
Q : Please introduce your club! job interviews. Especially, it’ll be more helpful for
Our club’s name is “촌철살인”. To introduce "촌철 someone who hopes to be a producer, announcer
살인“, its name was derived from a four Chinese or other speaking jobs.
character idiom which means expressions that can
hit the nail on the head. Like its meaning, this club Q. What is an example of a debate topic that
is a discussion club where every term is treated as you handle these days?
significant. They especially have discussions about The theme that ran through today's debate was
current events which are hot issues at home and that of the ‘Olympic Effect’. Another example is
abroad. “Should a country have to apologize about past
affairs?” we talked about this topics and share
Q. Are there distinguishing activities you our opinions. Mainly we discuss about our nation’
have implemented? s current affairs and hot issues. These activities
A : We are enforcing the DINS, the Debate make us more logical and improve speaking and
International News Speech Conference rules. Not thinking ability.
only domestic issues, but also overseas topics
are treated as possible topics for debate. Also, Noh, Hyunjin (2-3)
as club members’ desired careers have a deep Han, Hyeongseok (1-10)