Page 78 - Zenith 2023-웹용
P. 78

Zenith 2023     ↘     5) Interview / Feature article                                                                                                                                                                            78


                            Sports Day at IFLHS

          Sports day at Incheon Foreign Language High School is a day representative of our student’s courage,
          determination and cooperation. What’s special about Sports Day at IFLHS is that while having grounds
          for competition, we also form a sense of unity with other students. Like many other Foreign Language
          High Schools, depending on what second language we learn, we have different departments. The Spanish
          Department, Japanese Department, and Chinese department all compete in various games and athletic

          In general, we have running, baseball, basketball, and soccer. Out of these 4, students are most excited
          about basketball. Being a fast paced, action packed game, many people enjoy watching basketball for its
          thrill and excitement. At IFLHS, tryouts were performed beforehand. The Spanish Department faced the
          Japanese Department. It was an intense game but, in the end, The Japanese Department won. They then
          went up against the Chinese Department where the score was almost neck and neck. Both teams went
          strategical and showed brilliant performances. In the Japanese Department, a 1st grader named Ye-song
          was the most active player, performing difficult shots and layups leading to their victory.

          However, this wasn’t the best part. Although athletic competitions such as basketball were fun to watch, the
          connectedness among the students was unimaginable. Not only did this happen within each department,
          but also amongst competitive rivals. During the games, one player got injured, and the game had to be
          paused. Instead of becoming frustrated, the players on the other team came to help the injured player,
          helping him to his feet and supporting him. This showed that Sports Day is not only about competing; it’s
          about forming social skills and caring for others regardless of what position you or they’re in.

          The Basketball Tournament

          Basketball is the most renowned sporting event of the IFLHS Sports Day. As expected, it drew a
          lot of attention from many students, filling the whole arena despite the hot weather. The first
          match was held between the department of Chinese and the department of Spanish.
          The match itself was a close game, with the scoreboard showing a little difference
          between the two sides. The players were very sensitive about every little decision
          made by the referees. This even led to collision between the two sides, which
          showed the level of intensity and willingness to win the game.

          This enthusiasm carried on to the second day of the Sports Day. Unlike
          the first day, which was held outside, the final match was held inside a
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