Page 54 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 54
Ǒ International Issue
of America and 9 million people of 11 northern
states had fought for 4 years and finally the
northern area won the war. Before the Civil
War was over, Lincoln had claimed that we
should abolish African-American slavery.
Thanks to Lincoln, almost 4 million people
could be liberated.
By this time, America already reached a
level of economic competiveness. However,
the stock market plummeted, and market
capitalization dropped sharply by 40%, in
What comes in your mind when you think of 1929. The whole world fell into the whirlpool
United States of America? It might be ‘rich’, of the Great Depression. In 1933, market
‘open land’, ‘open mind’, ‘key currency’, ‘fi rst capitalization had dropped by one-fi fth of 1929
place in GDP’, ‘economic competitiveness’, level. Companies and factories had to close
and so on. Let’s look back their history. Who doors and banks went bankrupt. However, a
made today’s America? more serious problem was that there was an
In early 1700s, a massive number of African-
Americans came into America. As we all know,
the reason was a lack of labor. The civil war
occurred because of internal discord. Most
of the farms which needed slaves were in
the southern part of America. In contrast, the
northern area was an area of the manufacturing
industry so they didn’t need many slaves.
That’s why the northern area abolished the
In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected as the
sixteenth America president. Approximately 22
million people of 23 states in the southern part