Page 52 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 52
ǐ Education
What Korean Students Envy:
Common Core State Standards
In Korea, a lot of students envy American
students because of their education policies. We
are going to look at one of their most interesting
education policies: Common Core State
Today’s society is demanding more and more standards. It is up to the states to defi ne whether
of students. Therefore students are preparing the full range of support is appropriate for these
hard to enter society. To ensure all students students.
success after high school, the Common Core In mathematical practice in America,
State Standards insists consistent guidelines for to improve math skills, they came to the
what every student should know and be able conclusion that they should go with consistency
to do in math and English language arts from and concentration. To achieve this, the
kindergarten through 12th grade. The standards mathematics standards were designed to modify
were suggested by experts and teachers and a curriculum which is “a mile wide and an
designed in steps such as entry-level careers, inch deep.” The standards for mathematics
freshman-level college courses, and workforce is based on a combination of procedure and
understanding. If there are students who didn’t
fully understand the content, they don’t have
to worry about these problems anymore.
Teachers apply the mathematics to practical
situations, use technology mindfully explain the
mathematics accurately to students, step back
for a review, and deviate from known procedure
training programs. The Common Core to fi nd a shortcut.
concentrates on developing critical-thinking, Other countries commed that Common Core
problem-solving, and analytical skills which are State Standards is marvelous in education.
necessary for students to become successful. Students who followed this process were
While the standards are set through highly developed in the fi eld of partnership for
grade-specific goals, teachers and experts assessment of readiness for college.
do not limit how the standards should be
taught or which materials should be used References :
to support students. American states and
districts recognized that there has to be a
range of support in place to ensure that all ative.aspx
students, including those with special needs
and English language learners, can master the Jang, Hyojoo (1-1)