Page 72 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 72
ǔ Appendix
I. Introduction people to fear certain local zones and it has an
effect as strong as committing crimes. Incivility,
Human beings are social animals that are highly in another word, makes people recognize the zone
influenced by relationships with others and the as a bad area and think that incidents may occur.
way that they interact with each other helps lead So according to the broken windows theory, it is
to emotion and mental growth of them. However, able to prevent crimes when preventive actions
there are numerous people who commit social are enacted actively like prevention of physical
crimes such as murder and thievery and these disorderliness or crime.
crimes make people in their community feel fear However, we will focus on visual environmental
and serve to depress. For example, the number of changes, especially changes of emotions by
reports about non- specific motive violence has decorating criminal hot spots with various colors.
increased 395 cases from 2000 to 2010 in South Moreover, in this paper we will lay out what kinds of
Korea(Kim,2011). color impacts on human sentiments which are able
In addition, there are certain places called crime to lead a reduction in incidences and fear of crimes,
hot spots which have a greater than the average and an improvement in the quality of life with what
number of crimes or have a higher than the average we found through our survey.
risk of victimization. Most of these locations are in
places where there are dim streetlights, crime blind
spots and less amounts of CCTV.
It is not hard to figure out that criminals were II. Literature Review
not always by outsiders trying to destroy their
community with their psychopathic personalities 1. CPTED
but also their inappropriate thoughts which can be
affected by surrounding environments. And we came In 1960, American government conducted a
up with an idea that crimes of a society are able to national research to clarify why crime rates do
be deterred by changing environmental surroundings not decrease and the government came up with an
into a much lively one than before. effective way called CPTED (Crime Prevention
Hypothesis that more crimes can occur in Through Environmental Design). It is a program
local danger zone can be supported by the broken for the proactive crime fighting technique with
windows theory. It is a criminological theory of proper design and effective use of the built
the norm-setting and signaling effect of urban environment that can lead a reduction in the fear
disorder and vandalism on additional crime and and incidence of crime (Timothy. D, 1991). The
anti-social behavior(Wilson & Kelling,1982).The fi rst place where CPTED program was employed
theory insists that maintaining and monitoring in South Korea is Gogang-dong Ojeong-gu,
urban environments to prevent small crimes such Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do in 2006. Installing
as vandalism, public drinking, and toll-jumping physical subjects like CCTV and fences were the
helps create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness, only manners of CPTED techniques that South
thereby preventing more serious crimes from Korea could do at then. However after effects
happening. The incivility factors, such as discarded of CPTED had been proven in various places,
empty houses, stores, wastes and prostitutes cause CPTED with improved methods have been applied