Page 77 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 77
Zenith 2016
infl uence of this art work. colors. This is because colorful street and buildings
For the fi rst day, most students said that they felt can make residents in crime hot spots active and feel
like being in an art museum. Due to a lack of time, much lively and less depressed.
they had a few opportunities to go to any museums
and appreciate art works. As time passed, there Expectative Art works that Art works that Color of art
were many students who came to prefer the artwork types of art contain various one color work doesn’t
because they could get some rest and have some Student
time to organize their thoughts while looking at the number 16 2 3
art work. So on the last day, we conducted a new <Table 3> - Expectative types of artworks of students
research to fi nd out how many students of class 2-2
wanted to hang not only this but also other art works 2. Limitation of research
for longer than this experiment period. 22 students
agreed to extend the art work exhibition period After we conducted survey of this paper, we
because they were able to feel more clam when they thought it would be much better to observe changes
were busy or had hectic schedules. Students who of attitude of people through color. In addition, the
disagree about the extension just worried that the fundamental purpose of our research is to know
changing art work would be tiresome if one of the how color changing in surrounding environment
classmates had to be a person in charge of doing it. can infl uence on human mind, especially focused on
mentality of criminal. However, due to lack of time,
Extension of exhibition Agree Disagree we were not able to gather opinions of criminals
about the color effect face to face. Therefore, we had
Student number 23 4
to use internet to collect enough data about criminal
<Table 2> - Compatible opinions of extending the exhibition period psychology to support our hypothesis. And we feel
little regretful for the condition that we couldn’t do
Moreover, we also asked 23 students who already long-term research and we used only blue color and
agreed on prolonging the exhibition which style they one artwork to observe response of people. If we
prefer between art works that contain various color used different kinds of colors, it could be possible
of just one color. This is because we believe that to draw more specifi c and exact results than results
if the art work is more colorful, the greater effects from this research.
on emotion will be positive. As we expected, more Moreover, after organizing results from our
than half of the students (16 students) prefer colorful research, we believe that it would be great to visit
art works, giving reason that they can feel more under developed local streets or allies located in
energy through colorful pictures. Only 2 people residential area to check overall color of these
answered that they prefer art works that based on places. This is because even though we keep fi nding
one color. Also 3 students said that they do not common features of crime hot spots or local danger
care about the color combination of the exhibited zones, we think that we could find more practical
art works. Through this research, we think if the ways to employ what we found through this paper.
purposes of CPTED are to change local danger However, we thank for to all of respondents who
zone’s atmosphere, people should employ various help us to draw results of this paper and get their
combination of color component based on bright opinions.