Page 74 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 74
ǔ Appendix
instance, people can install walls or fences in their 3. The Effects of Color on Human Psychology
own private spaces. Through building the private
spaces, individuals are able to have responsibility Colors have the ability to affect to our emotions
that they have to protect there from crimes. These and moods in a way that other elements like
boundaries tell potential criminals that spaces are in relationships among surrounding people can.
tenable positions. Seeing colors influences on physiological and
Following point is about surveillance. Newman emotional, not just perceiving pigments of a
emphasizes that the naturality of surveillance, which subject. This is the reason why colors absorbed
is able to lead the lives of residents living in local through eyes stimulate a portion of brain, called
danger zones more enhanced. It contains an idea of hypothalamus, which is related with not only
using connection of physical spaces not CCTV and emotions and thoughts but also body temperature
its caution to observe what is happening around them. and blood pressure. Therefore, every color has its
For example, open spaces like squares and parks in a own different meaning and it is able to control a
middle of a town could be an example of it. mental state by exposing people to a certain color.
Last factor to make a defensible place is image. Also, there are various factors such as Chroma and
The concept of image in this theory means that a brightness which adjust effects on psychological
capability of the physical design imparts improved state of people.
security among local residents. Flower gardens, In 1958, LA, California, U.S.A, psychologist
clean mail boxes and neat grass fi elds give positive Robert Gerard examined heart beats, eye blinks,
impression and residents more try to take care of and blood pressure of people when they see red,
their assets fully. white, and blue light to fi nd out impacts of color. As
Those factors are mainly related with local a result, the red light made blood pressure higher
residents, but in terms of criminal psychology, and expanded breathing and tension of muscles,
enhanced surveillance through organized surrounding leading physical vitalization. On the other hand, the
environments also deserves consideration. Offenders blue light lowered eye blinks and breathing times,
chose a place ingeniously to commite a crime where triggering 11 types of hormones which relax the
there are no observation systems such as patrol brain and put people at ease (Gilbert Brighouse,
guards and surveillance cameras to make their crime 1941).
undetected and unsolved. As time has passed, floods of research
Moreover, the declined number of crime incidents papers reveals that colors can activate not only
in well organized and orderly local areas is a sort hormones but also neurotransmitters which deliver
of nudge effect. The nudge effect means inducing information as a link from one neuron to the next.
people to conduct certain behavior through indirect Moreover, reduced secretion of neurotransmitters
suggestion which can influence on motives and can cause mood disorders through lack of
incentives of them. Related with the nudge effect, transmitting nerves in the brain. Hence, to employ
the places enable offenders not to commit crimes the correct colors (see figure 3) in a local danger
themselves without any direct legal reinforcement zone (see fi gure 4) can help people to escape from
about their behaviors and choices. unstable mind state and depression subconsciously
through hastening secretion of beneficial