Page 78 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 78
ǔ Appendix
V. Conclusion review, we found a case that spoons and chopsticks
of a prison in South Korea are yellow-green. This is
The instability that people feel from the high because managers of the prison thought that bright
crime rates has gotten higher than before. Until now color, unlike normal cutlery, would help prisoner to
the government and the local community hasn’t been be relieved and think in a positive way.
able to fi nd a real effective way to reduce this for its Moreover, we can change the color of street lights
citizen, who live in places where high crime rate is in criminal hot spots to brighter colors than before to
recorded. So we have delved for the most efficient makes the residents feel safe by lighting dark alleys
way of decreasing the high crime rate in these local at night. Not only using these colors to change street
danger zones. Based on the results from the research, lights but also applying them to install community
we encountered three methods which were able to facilities like parks and squares are based on
utilize colors to reduce social crimes, ranging from defensible space theory. Then, due to surveillance
cyber violence to school violence. ability of residents themselves through open spaces,
First of all, nowadays school violence has become people who have possibility to commit crimes will
one of the most dangerous offences among students. be decreased. Furthermore, renewing deprived places
School violence can lead to harmful incident such as with emotionally helpful colors will help people get
suicide and retaliation violence. Colors which have a psychologically energized from depressed mood.
positive power can be used in the most visible places Those examples are indirect pressures like nudge
at school through drawing pictures on the hallway effect toward offenders to stop breaking laws with
wall and on the notice boards. If a harmonious color a solution; it leads to the immediate low crime rates
scheme is applied to real school life, it could have and practical effects unlike establishing related laws
impacts of preventing students from developing or reinforcing punishments.
criminal tendencies through increased exposure to Through our study, the convergence of arts, colors
emotionally positive color. Also, software developers and the human psychology can come up with and
can apply colors which can enhance an unstable effective plan for dealing with social crimes. We do
mind by designing smartphone applications or hope that our study could clear up the color impacts
websites that students can communicate with others. on emption throughout several surveys and those
If people practice this method, it could reduce the effects help criminal rate go down. Lastly, we desire
possibility of the cyber-crime more effi ciently. a better world where people who are suffering in
The second way is art treatment for prisoners dreary 21th century can live far brighter lives by
and suitors suffering from pains because of crimes getting helps of colors.
they committed to decrease re-offending rates. The
art treatment is founded on color therapy which
makes people have strong response emotionally
and visually. So far, the effects of the color therapy
have already been proven in many studies and these
results have been employed to treat mental diseases.
In a similar way to use helpful colors, adding some
bright colors on prisons is one of expected examples
to moralize prisoners. While conducting literature