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                                                                                                            Zenith  Foreign
                                                                                                            the 8th  Language
                                                                                                                High School

                     Advent of the fourth Industrial Revolution

                                     Is it always beneficial to us?

                 Can you really imagine your car driving itself to your work-  revolutions.
                 place for you, and a robot secretary scheduling the day  We might simply think this technolog-
                 with the precise time unit? You would simply think it's still  ical development is always good for
                 far away, but it's not, we should face the reality.  us. But in fact, it isn't always benefi-
                 The world is developing at an exponential rate, with the  cial. The development of AI and data
                 creation of a science and technological revolution. The  communication technology can bring
                 process in four different industrial revolutions proves the  about, first, the invasion of privacy.
                 dramatic change of the world we are living. Those revo-  Think  about  CCTV,  for  instance.
                 lutions always lead us to a big change not only in our  Even though it makes our life more
                 everyday lifestyle, but also in economy and society.  secure, we are sacrificing our privacy
                 The first industrial revolution occurred in 18th century in  rights for it. Second, a huge extinction
                 England, with the invention of machines and new tech-  and change of jobs can occur. It is
                 nologies. The main sources of the first revolution were  said that later on, policemen might
                 coal and iron, and therefore it especially focused on the  disappear since robots will easily replace their work with
                 fabric industry and iron manufacturing. In the second in-  more systematic performance; just like the workers of fac-
                 dustrial revolution in 19th century, in contrast, oil and steel  tory disappeared with the invention of machines in the first
                 were the main resources. It made the chemical industry  industrial revolution. Third, since it emphasizes 'new tech-
                                             and the electric industry  nology', big companies with developed technology might
                                             boom. The third indus-  monopolize the world economy. Then, small enterprises
                                             trial  revolution  was  would have to be shut down.
                                             based   on   Jeremy    Then, what should we do to successfully deal with the
                                             Rikins' view, an Ameri-  fourth industrial revolution? We first need to take a big at-
                                             can economist. He in-  tention about change in jobs. The more jobs disappear,
                                             sisted   that    the   the more newly-made jobs need to be created. Also, it
                 combination of internet development and the renewable  seems that the big companies that lead the fourth indus-
                 energy sources would lead to the third industrial revolu-  trial revolution have to focus on protecting the environ-
                 tion.                                              ment. They should remember; the technology can make
                 Then what about the fourth industrial revolution? We, now,  everything new, but not the nature.
                 are actually faced with technological change. This step of
                 the revolution pursues the fusion between society and  Son, Jiwoo (2-3)
                 data communication technology such as AI (Artificial In-
                 telligence), Internet of Things (service using the connec-
                 tion between physical world and virtual world), Big data,  Photo References:
                 Mobile, etc. The most compelling feature to look at is that  berNo=15460786&vType=VERTICAL
                 since it uses hyperconnectivity and superintelligence, the
                 velocity and scope of which impact our society unimag-  what-it-means-and-how-to-respond/
                 inably faster and more hugely, compared to the previous  lution.jpg

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