Page 13 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 13
Zenith 2016
because of job losses. Spain was positive about to aid developing countries by outsourcing
A.I in general and suggested a new area for and China agreed on that point. The USA
the next generation, highlighting the need for stressed cooperation between leading countries
government cooperation. and developing countries for protecting the
human rights threatened by A.I development.
The U.S. delegate asked the other UNHRC debated about A.I and the human
delegates if there were any solutions for the job rights problems associated with the adoption
loss that came with the adoption of A.I. The U.K or development of A.I in each country, and the
answered that there were no solutions existing extent that each country would permit A.I.
as of today, fearing great job loss and no proper
compensation. To solve this, a neutral monetary All in all, the basic keyword for the
project between developing countries was put future of mankind and AI technology was
forth. U.K also voiced the fear that A.I could “co-exist” – a way for both sides to get along
grow to such an extent that it would surpass peacefully and make a better world for us to
humanintelligence, thus concluding the need for live in. We are living in a world where dreams
international monitoring systems. Canada agreed literally become true thanks to advanced
with the U.S.A about sharing technologies technology and hardworking scientists and
with other countries. France recognized that technicians. A.I technology can prove to be the
A.I should have its limits and defined them as Sorcerer’s Stone of the 21st century, according
machines that cannot think without humans’ to how we proceed from now on: with caution
help or given information. The U.K devised and an everlasting marvel and wonder for
a plan for a strong server to supervise the creating a new world which existed only in our
overall management and development of A.I wildest dreams.
internationally. The R.O.K agreed with the USA
and promised to share advanced technology with Kim, Minsung (1-5)
developing countries. The Philippines agreed