Page 15 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 15
Zenith 2016
4. What are your overall impressions or feelings
about this trip?
spending the whole week with friends, my
friendships became deeper and deeper. Yujin Sim: I learned that China and Korea are
Yooseong Kim: It was a good opportunity to a lot different culturally, including their food,
practically use the Chinese that we have learnt people, and language, even though they are right
and improve our communication skills by next to each other on the map. I hope that there
speaking with local people. Also I learned a lot can be more trade and exchange between the
about chinese history and culture. two countries in the future.
Yooseong Kim: I really realized the grand scale
3. What advise would you want to give to next of China. They are big and they are powerful.
year students about the trip? This trip motivated me to study Chinese harder
and harder.
Yujin Sim: As this is the last school trip, make a
lot of good memories that you can carry for the 5. Thanks for answering these questions, Yoojin
rest of your lives. Take many photos and talk a and Yooseong!
lot with friends.
Yooseong Kim: Looking around the cultural Yujin Sim, Yooseong Kim: You're welcome.
attractions might seem boring, but don't let Thanks
yourself be bored! That time can become an
important foundation for your future as a global Photo References:
leader. Plus, I would like to recommend that File:Forbidden_City_Beijing_Shenwumen_Gate.JPG
you research about China before you actually
go. The more you know, the more you will Son, Jiwoo (1-1)
understand about China.