Page 12 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
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Ǎ Campus Reporting
The Ultimate Elixir of the Millennia
Artificial intelligence has always been looked forward to using A.I as a key to relieve
around us since before Arnold and the T-2000s the disparity of population within its borders.
dominated the movie screens, but the actual China also wanted to prohibit the exploitation
prospect of AI dominating mankind became of the environment. France asserted a strong
an actual problem when AI technology beats need for cooperation between developers and
humans at their own game – literally. The governments. Germany saw A.I as a useful
world renowned Go match between British tool for humanity and a means to support
software AlphaGo and Lee Se Dol ended with human rights and equality, but also noted that
an astonishing, yet not entirely unexpected AI such developments and the assessment of the
victory, calling for a new era of technology. said technology should be governed by public
World leaders have not been idle since then, or organizations. India acknowledged the necessity
at least, members of Incheon Foreign Language of permitting A.I in India, hoping it would
High School haven’t stopped talking. The generate a lot of jobs. Not all delegates were in
second annual IFMUN took place at Incheon favor, though. The Philippines stated that they
Foreign Language High School (IFLHS from had slightly negative views on A.I, worrying
below) for two days, July 25th and 26th, that it could cause major job losses estimated at
focusing on the emerging problem of artificial 1,200,000$. Poland pointed out that the world
intelligence. Concerned ‘delegates’ from all over needed to help each other to overcome these
the world discussed the upcoming AI problems problems, and reminded the other delegates
and the reactions each country yearned to take that enhanced security would be required
in the near future. when dealing with international relations. The
Republic of Korea acknowledged that they
UNHRC debated about both A.I’s and have made rapid progress in A.I industries and
human’s rights associated with the adoption underlined the need to develop A.I in many
or development of A.I in each country, and technological fi elds. South Africa agreed on the
the extent of the permittance of A.I in each need for a range of sues for A.I, but asserted the
country. China desired high dimensions and need for cautiousness in further developments