Page 35 - 인천외고교지 2017 E-BOOK-최종.indd
P. 35

Zenith 2016

                                 ZOO : Right or Wrong?

                                        Di d you hea r         of things in the zoos. For example, they can see
                                      two pandas came to       lots of animals vividly, feed animals, take photos
                                      Everland? Two pandas     with them, touch them and communicate with
                                      came from China          animals in mind. These kinds of experiences
                                      and their popularity is   can affect children’s sentiment in good ways
                                      constantly high. Then,   and keep their minds peaceful for spending time
                                      are they happy? For      with animals in natural places.

                                      us, it is exciting that    However, other people say zoos are wrong.
                                      we can see pandas        They say zoos should be shut down. They argue
            more closely in the zoo, but we don’t know the     animals have right to live freely. Many animals
            pandas’ situations. They could be happy or not.    die from sicknesses in the zoo because of use
            We don’t know how not only pandas but also         of drugs, excessive training, mistreatment and
            other animals think about their houses, the zoo.   unsuitable environments. Zoos abuse and ignore
            So, are zoos right or wrong?                       the animals’ rights and freedoms. Also, zoos
               Some people say zoos are right. They say        do not conserve the animals. One of the zoo’s
            zoos should not be shut down. They argue zoos      purposes is to conserve the animals. However,

            can protect animals. If we shut down the zoos,     while training the animals, zookeepers beat
            we cannot protect animals like endangered          the animals and its dignity is getting low.
            animals. Zoos are crucial to protect endangered    Eventually, zoos cannot conserve animals.
            animals. Endangered animals will be hunted           We cannot conclude that zoos are right or
            by hunters because they are valued at in a high    wrong. For some reasons zoos are good and for
            price. Also, they can die from insane animals or   some reasons zoos are bad. If we make some
            rough geographical features and starve because     rules about the zoo, we can give animals better

            they don’t know how to hunt. Moreover,             places. But there is no answer that zoos are right
            children can experience lots of things. Young      or wrong.
            children are curious about animals and animals’
            lifestyles. Opportunities to go to the zoo will be                           Kim, Sanghyo (1-4)
            amazing for children. They can experience lots               

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