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외고2018-웹용.qxp_Layout 1  2018. 6. 23.  오후 3:03  페이지 6

            Ⅰ   Life and Pleasure

                means that we eat these polluted microbeads that we dumped into the ocean.
                  There is another problem involving microbeads. Some toothpastes contain a lot of microbeads. The
                problem is that microbeads are so small that they can get stuck between the teeth or between tooth and
                gum. They will get stuck there for a long time because they don’t decompose or dissolve. Some profes-
                sionals in the USA say that this can cause some diseases like gingivitis.

                  Like this, microbeads are everywhere in our daily life and they are already causing serious problems,
                but we are not aware of the seriousness and potential danger they might cause. Fortunately, more and
                more people are getting interested in them these days. Some governments have made laws banning fa-
                cial scurbs that contain microbeads, and people are participating in campaigns to reduce micro plastic
                in the ocean.

                Jun, Jean (1-8)


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