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외고2018-웹용.qxp_Layout 1 2018. 6. 23. 오후 3:06 페이지 68
Ⅵ Campus Reporting
-Kyu-young Kim : I was the main character of the play.
When I see all the audience clapping for our play, I
feel worthy and it feels like I’m rewarded of my all hard
Kyoung-eun Oh : I feel greatness when my friends tell
me that our play was great. I‘m sure that TEAM-I is
the best club in our school.
Sun-eul Park : I feel happiness when I see the audi-
‘TEAM-I’ is first-prize club in Incheon Language High-
ence reacting with the scene we intended to get that
school. Everyone in the school loves to see their play,
reaction. It’s so great that we can guess audience’s
and all the members in TEAM-I work hard. Recently,
reaction straight away.
they participated in the Seoul Catholic Adolscent Play
Contest preliminaries and passed successfully. They
are going to give a play for a final selection in this year
on August, 6th. This is an interview that we did to an-
nounce their story.
1.What is your club name and why?
- Our club name is TEAM-I. It is abbreviation of ‘Terrific
English Acting Members – IFLHS’ and it means we
will show you terrific English acting.
3. What is the most difficult problem during the
-Kyu-young Kim : I was so tired of lessons and prac-
tice because I had to practice all day long including
lunch and dinner times, break times and even week-
ends. Because of my bad pronounciation, everyone
2. When do you feel most happy during club ac-
tried really hard to make me better. They recorded
their pronounciation for me and I listened and re-