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외고2018-웹용.qxp_Layout 1 2018. 6. 23. 오후 3:06 페이지 69
Zenith Foreign
the 8th Language
High School
peated all day long even in my house. I also tried hard competition is that we get courage from the school
too, but I think it was too much for me. theater festival. Also, not only our team but also other
teams participate in the school theater festival. So, nat-
Ha-jeong Choi : When people don’t listen to me, it’s urally, we get a sense of rivalry.
the saddest moment for me. I become annoyed when
I see people don’t come on time, especially when they 7. What is the Team-I’s secret to becoming the
care about their privacy more than a club activity. To best club?
administer our club, sometimes I have to warn them
and ruin the mood unwillingly. - First, we diligently administer the homepage of Team-
I. As you know, the homepage is one of the important
4. Most of ‘TEAM-I’ must be on stage, how can you elements for choosing the best club. On the home-
overcome stage fright? page, we write activity reports each day and we write
script readings in article form. Also, our club has sys-
- It‘s such a problem for sure that we have to be on tematic directorate such as homepage department, af-
stage infront of many people. It feels like millions of fairs department, script department and event
eyes are looking at us and it makes us nervous. department. The role of the event department is to find
the external competition information. Not only this, our
But for us, this was not that serious a problem. As we club does voluntary service about four times a year.
experience lots of these things, such as the audition We do acting volunteer work and we teach acting to
for school club, we can feel that we’re getting more the students. Mostly, we work hard.
skilled. Thinking I’m alone here is also a good tip to
overcome the stage fright. 8. What is Team-I really about for you?
5. When you write acting scripts, where do you get -Kyu-young Kim : The chance to discover another me
Kyoung-eun Oh : Discover a new hobby, after gradu-
- First, we choose the genre to set up an overall mood ating high school, I will steadily watch theatre.
of the story. Next, we watch dramas or movies that re-
lated to the concept or story line. For example, last
year, we acted in fashion story whose genre was ro-
mantic comedy. So, we watched The Devil Wears
Prada. Not only this but also we go to see the theatre
in short term vacation. Last year, we also went to
watch theatre and we got inspiration from communi-
cating with the audience. So, we also applied it to our
6. What's the difference between the school the- Sun-eul Park : It is hard but it is a meaningful and
ater festival and the external competition? worthwhile existence.
- Actually, we care more for the school theater festival. Kim, Sanghyo (2-1), Lee, Jihyeon (2-10)
And the reason why we participate in the external,