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Zenith 2023 ↘ 3) Entertainment 34
AI Attack in Hollywood
Most 5 to 7 years old children love dinosaurs and 160,000 workers in Hollywood finally participated
can express dinosaurs' motion with their whole in the strike.
body. Also, they remember and speak the names
of lots of dinosaurs, which are harder to memorize The reason why they went on a strike and what
than English words. How did they come to love they demands are that
dinosaurs? I think that Jurassic Park is one cause. 1) The dividend considering online streaming
Do you watch Jurassic 2) Salary increase
Park because you love dinosaurs or became a lover 3) Secure actor right due to AI application
of dinosaurs because you like Jurassic Park? The Hollywood industry has grown along with
technological development, but now they feel
We have been trained and educated to live with the the crisis with it. Writers and actors criticize that
respect for parents and ancestors as well as a well- "Only technology is innovated, even though our
mannered person, based on the influence of Sung contracts remain same compared with 60 years
Confucianism in the 500-year history of Joseon and ago." SAG-AFTRA had tried to make a contract
now we faced big change. In the weekend during with AMPTP (Alliance of Motion Picture and
December to January, we watched "Home Alone" Television Producers) which represents Disney,
and "Miracle on 34th Street" on rebroadcast. We Netflix, Discovery, Warner Brothers and Amazon.
were expecting Christmas gifts when we went to But it failed even though they negotiated over 1
bed. When we got up, we checked around our month. The actors demanded 2% of streaming
pillow or ran to the Christmas tree to find Christmas subscription revenue when its movie is distributed
gifts. The mothers in Hollywood movies are very into online streaming, but when the Film Producers
kind. They always say "Are you OK?", even if they refused, they immediately went on strike. However,
are surprised when their children run or break a the most critical issue in this strike is the crisis
dish. At that time, many children had a dream. I about the future that AI will change. Actors are
wish you were my mother. We are easily exposed strongly demanding that AI application shall be
to and learned from Hollywood culture and living prohibited to create or use their appearances or
under its influence. voices without their permission in the future.
These days, we watch the news that big change
started in Hollywood. Hollywood, Which is the
center of the world's largest film industry, stopped
due to simultaneous strikes by actors and writers.
There are two big unions in Hollywood. WGA (Writers
Guild of America West) SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors
Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio
Artists). It is the first time in the past 63 years that
these 2 unions participated in a joint strike. The
WGA strike started last May and then SAG-AFTRA
decided to join in the WGA strike, thus around